Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

My favorite place

My favorite place is the beach Pulau Datok located in the National Park Mountain Trench, precisely in the Village District of Sukadana Sutra . This beach away from the noise and we can feel the sea breeze, the ranks of swaying coconut trees and ocean waves that adorn the shore. Along this coast there are also many types of acacia trees, Mangosteen forests, which protect visitors from the sun, and in the afternoon we can look at a beautiful sunset.
There are still many types of insects that his voice could still clearly hear. Some types of fish-eating birds such as the kingfisher and the Eagle, as well as the morning we could hear the monkey, hornbill because this location is adjacent to Mount Peramas.
It is a place suitable and enjoyable for relaxing, swimming, fishing and looking for shells.
The presence of shelters available around the coast which can be used as a resting place for visitors
Turkish Pulau Datok easily achieved because 90% of the course is paved. Visitors can use private cars, motorcycles, buses and motorboats to reach the destination. Every holiday my family and I always make the holiday even not only with my family and sometimes friends do beach holidays Pulau Datok Sukadana because for me the beach temoat fitting to calm the mind and relax with family and friends.

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