Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Assalamualaikum wr.wb meet again with my post today, I would recommend one of the sights in my town is a picturesque tourist beach tears located on the river right cloud Ketapang district of West Kalimantan, picturesque beach locations tears located ten kilometers from the city of Ketapang. To go to the beach can be reached by bike or car takes about 10 minutes. The beach has become one of the favorite places of citizens Ketapang to relax on weekends, even I and family always took time to tour the coast tears permai in spending the holiday weekend and holiday other long, in my opinion the beach tears permai is one of the beaches very beautiful Ketapang, in addition to its white sand, vegetation flora and fauna found on the beach is also very interesting to be seen by visitors

Mangrove forest vegetation is still fairly well preserved habitat for shorebirds very exotic, There are about 27 species of birds found around the coast of the picturesque tear so it is very natural to visit. In addition to recreation on the beach visitors can also perform various other activities such as sports, beach, camping, out bound and watched as the sun set. Let's visit the beach tears Sukadana permai I guarantee you like it, so my posts to see in the next post. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

Assalamualaikum wr wb back again with my new post, I really like a culinary tour one of them that I really love the seafood because seafood contains protein benefits of seafood that is preventing asthma keep the heart healthy can prevent anemia good for bones and many other benefits. Seafood or food from the sea is a cholesterol-containing foods are very high, because they contain many seafood high cholesterol then not everyone is able to eat and enjoy the food. People think twice about eating seafood high cholesterol because there is a myth that if you eat seafood will be affected by a particular disease, but not in my opinion the fact that seafood has many benefits that are very high not only for beauty but also for health, although I really like seafood but if I am given food options in the last in my life then I would prefer to eat foods derived from bribes mother because of my food come from bribe a mother was no match for the joy, no matter what type of food on the food essence comes from my mother mouthful. A few of my posts at this time until I next see you again in my post.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Assalamualaikum wr wb back again in my post next is a letter for ten years in the future is that someday I had to be a better person more useful for themselves and in other people's lives, become more mature, all ideals I currently some day have to be achieved and the most important thing is that one day every what you desire my parents I can meet easily, it may be difficult to achieve everything but as time goes by I will keep trying and always pray to achieve them all , hopefully what I hope right in the future become a reality while the letter for ten years in the past all that to be a mistake in my life in the past let it be a lesson in my life, whatever happened there must be a silver lining is not necessarily to go on with the past all should be forgotten and with the past certainly able to give change better in the future for my own life, every life must have felt bad the past and feel that makes happy while for the past that makes me feel happy all be a memory of its own and it will be my fondest memories in my life. So see you later at the next post 
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016


The song that I love when I karaoke is the song D’masiv that together in love,why such because the lyrics of the song fits perfectly with the mood that I experienced today. The song together in love is a story that ever happened even until now still be a story in my life.
The lyrics of the song is,
I never fell you never hurt
We have reminded to bounce back
How wonderful if all in the world could love each other
We remind each other to bounce back
How wonderful if all of the world can love each other and love each otherr
Hold my hand unthread your smile
Show a genuine together in love in this life we can’t live alone
Sometimes often forgotten we should care
How wonderful if all in the world could each calm and each strengthen
We fused in the difference with in love like that is a bit of a quote song together in love, in addition to the very fit with what I experienced the lyrics of the song together in love is also very nice once. Intially just happened to listen to this song but eventually became one of the song a that I always sing.


A reduced edification teenagers

Assalamualaikum wr wb
I am very happy because of this chance to stand together with these great people in this here. Let us thanks God for giving health and valuable opportunity for being here.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Have you ever seen the students smoke? Have you ever seen the students truant? Have you ever seen the students brawl?
I think all will be say “yes”. This means that moral attitudes of Indonesian teenagers have turned away from the values ​​and norms of the real Indonesia. Everyone involved in those bad things are students, the young people who should have the best ethics because they have been educated through educational institutions.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Why are all the things happen? Before you answer it, I want to express an opinion. In Indonesia, I see the demand of academic value is so high. When the students get the higher score, parents, teachers, and all those around the will be more proud of these achievements. It makes us all forget a really important thing, the moral education.
Students continue to be encouraged for studying hard, but they are not given the opportunity to build a social life, emotional intelligence, and spiritual. Every day, students are only given Mathematics, Science, Language education, Physics, and Chemistry. All of those must be learned and memorized.
Because of too much academic material, students do not get a portion of moral education. As a result, they are easily tempted to commit immoral acts and even criminality. They understand that the most important is the score at the end of the test, but not includes attitudes in society.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Of course, we all very disappointed to see the moral of Indonesian students who are increasingly low and are at the destruction. This should not be allowed to continue and must be addressed properly. It requires the cooperation of all human parents, educators, and government in order to create the moral intelligence decreases.
Let us create a learning system that is accompanied by moral exhortation, good behavior, and a discipline that makes students not only have a high score, but also a good morality.
Do not give up, keep fighting, and be the noble of education.

Wassalamuaiakum wr wb

My favorite place

My favorite place is the beach Pulau Datok located in the National Park Mountain Trench, precisely in the Village District of Sukadana Sutra . This beach away from the noise and we can feel the sea breeze, the ranks of swaying coconut trees and ocean waves that adorn the shore. Along this coast there are also many types of acacia trees, Mangosteen forests, which protect visitors from the sun, and in the afternoon we can look at a beautiful sunset.
There are still many types of insects that his voice could still clearly hear. Some types of fish-eating birds such as the kingfisher and the Eagle, as well as the morning we could hear the monkey, hornbill because this location is adjacent to Mount Peramas.
It is a place suitable and enjoyable for relaxing, swimming, fishing and looking for shells.
The presence of shelters available around the coast which can be used as a resting place for visitors
Turkish Pulau Datok easily achieved because 90% of the course is paved. Visitors can use private cars, motorcycles, buses and motorboats to reach the destination. Every holiday my family and I always make the holiday even not only with my family and sometimes friends do beach holidays Pulau Datok Sukadana because for me the beach temoat fitting to calm the mind and relax with family and friends.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016


Hello everyone, how are you?
Back to my next post, which is about the applications that I like. As we know a lot of applications are much favored. Like instagram, fuel, line, facebook, twitter, whatapps, Massenger and others. But here I will describe an application that I like.
The first Instagram
 I like this application because it can express myself to others. Because instagram can also store images indefinitely. Sometimes in my instagram upload a photo of myself, with family and with my friend. In instagram too many people uploading cool pictures and trends, so that I can mimic a positive thing. In instagram also we can follow other people such as artists, because I am very same fans Korean artist.

 Second Bbm
Because in this application I can chattingan with others, whether with family, friends, friends, or others. In bbm also supports many features such as can video call, can voice note, can send pictures, and can also free calls.Bbm now a favorite of all people, along with me, and also my friends are using this application, so I also use fuel applications.
It's why instagram and fuel are my favorite apps
Ok, thanks for your attention all of you.


Now we go to the story, I think this story can be experienced by anyone even perhaps everyone has experienced this story.The film to tells about the life of a high school kid named Ko Theng have the famous gang naughty an raunchy.Because of her immoral them to masturbate in class,as a result of his behavior Ko Theng should move to the front seat of the famous girl smartest in class.This girl named Shen Jia Yi,a famous smart since junior high school and became the target of the boys at school,including friends Ko Theng.I think Ko Theng was the most ordinary Shen Jia Yi wrote the same,while other friends who are chasing Shen Jia Yi him the most cool and relaxed.
Initially Ko Theng was upset because he can not be free anymore and Shen Jia Yi also disturbed, until the time of English lessons Shen Jia Yi did not bring textbooks.According to regulations,students who do not carry books in English have to stand while lifting the seat.When Shen Jia Yi stand suddenly Ko Theng give a book to the Shen Jia Yi and he stood up the chair lift,since that Shen Jia Yi and Ko Theng so nearby.Shen Jia Yi began forcing Ko Theng to learn,Ko Theng to learn.They began to study together every day of every school and wherever they are together.Finally they bet anyone who gets the highest value must sacrifice his hair,Ko Theng will shave her head and Shen Jia Yi had to tie her hair ( during Shen Jia Yi letting her hair down).When the announcement value,Shen Jia Yi ranked first,while Ko Theng the second rank (something really well).As the agreement Ko Theng shave his head,unexpectedly Shen Jia Yi also tied her hair and make Ko Theng fascinated
Not only do his friends Ko Theng also fascinated. Periods of high school they also successfully passed the various memories of one Shen Jia Yi never punished along with the gang Ko Theng, one thing that has never been experienced Shen Jia Yi during his school days.
I chose this film because the story is quite dominating with a story that I have ever experienced during high school, because at that time I discovered the figure of a boy, who has the nature and behavior of the same as the character played in the film.


Today im learn synonyms verbs and adverbs in my class.
Synonyms verbs like :
Obliterate : Destroyed (Menghapus/Melenyapkan)
Severed : Cut (Memotong/Menghentikan)
Conceive : Create (Menciptakan Sesuatu)
Tolerate : Allow (Mentoleransikan)
Ingest : Consume (Mencernakan)
Pacify : Calm ( down ) (Menenangkan)
Calibrate : Adjust (Menyesuaikan)
Magnify : Enlarge (Memperbesar)
Incentivize : Support (Mendorong)
Speeculate : Theorize (Berteori)
Illustrate : Examplify (Menggambarkan)
Elucidate : Clarify (Pembentahan)
Impede : Interfere (Menghalangi)
Advocate : Motivate (Menganjurkan)

Synonyms adverbs like :
Methodically : Systematically (Sesuai Metode)
Begrudgingly : Resentfully (Dengan Menyesal)
Amicably : Quietly (Secara Damai)
Fiercely : Severely (Dengan Ganas)
Unintelligibly : Unclearly (Tidak Bisa Dipahami)
Sporadically : Occasionally (Dengan Sporadis/Sesekali)
Unequivocally : Indisputably (Dengan Tegas)
Zealously : Eagerly (Dengan Rajin)
Laboriously : Painfully (Dengan Kerja Keras/Dengan Susah Payah)
Earnestly : Decisively (Dengan Jelas)
Indisputably : Indisputably (Tidak Dapat Disangka)
Definitively : Absolutely (Dengan Pasti)
Faintly : Weakly (Dengan Lemah)
Discreetly : Privately (Dengan Hati-Hati)

Example :
. Do, and humans attempt so often, is to sample topics for thesis treat large forces as enemies to police culture essay be vanquished and destroyed
. will be able to enlarge its sphere of jurisdiction at the expense of the other.
. The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodically examination of all the equipment.
. Whether he leaves or not is or absolutely no importance to me